Today is the day of my rebirth. My 27th birthday is around the corner, and this is it—the first day of my steady rise to the top. I am refreshed. I am ready to start anew.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017, marks the beginning of my mission to impart…no…THRUST my knowledge onto the world.
Unleash & Empower will be the medium in which I illustrate my way of living—how I integrate my health, wellness, and financial aspirations into my everyday life. Unleash & Empower will be the magnifying glass into the inner workings of NV—my soul, my drive, my passion.
I have built quite a bit of momentum to carry me through to this moment. And with this momentum, I aim to harness the energy to propel myself to my vision of becoming the leading lifestyle adviser of health, wellness, and wealth-building of this century.
As I thrust myself into the beginning of, what will be, an illustrious journey, it’s only fitting that I share my goals for the year. As every high-functioning, forward-looking, successful human being can attest to, goal-setting is extremely simple and requires only 2 things. What are those 2 things, you ask?
- Make the goal specific and measurable
- Set a deadline
With that, here goes my short-list for the year:
- By February 28, 2017, I will have a fully-operational health & wellness advisory company, aiming to provide unparalleled, customized training and sample nutrition plans that inspire sustainable lifestyles
- By March 31, 2017, I will obtain my certified personal training certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
- On May 6, 2017, I will step on-stage and compete in the Men’s Physique class for the 3rd time in 3 years at a weight of 158-160 lbs., with no more than 5% body fat
- By December 31, 2017, I will have saved over 70% of my after-tax income from my day job as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Why do I set goals? Because they give my life purpose. A life of purpose is a life of happiness. With purpose, the glass is neither half empty, nor half full—the glass is ALWAYS full.
Madison, WI – December 2016